Companionship Program
Anne Johnston Health Station

One-on-one Companionship for People with Dementia

If you or someone you know has dementia, come out to one of our Friendly Gatherings hosted throughout the city. The goal of our Friendly Gatherings is to create supportive connections for people with dementia. During this two-hour event, our trained volunteers will engage their partners in activities personalized to their likes and interests. 

To participate, please REGISTER NOW.

For questions or information, contact Heidi Pentney at 416-640-8914 or

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Anne Johnston Health Station
2398 Yonge St. (2 blocks north of Eglinton on Yonge)
Toronto, ON M4P 2H4

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.