QuizMaster Trivia


Have you heard about The Quest? It is a month long, province wide, virtual fundraising campaign to raise funds for the 240,000 Ontarians living with dementia in our community. Besides fundraising, there are multiple challenges for participants to embark on. One challenge is QuizMaster TriviaJoin QuizMaster Trivia to test your knowledge while having fun individually or with your family! Great prizes to be won and fun to be had!

All trivia events will be hosted from 7pm – 8pm via live Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to you once you register.

February 4th – General Knowledge *Team Trivia

February 9th – General Knowledge *Team Trivia

February 17th – 60s, 70s & 80s

February 25th – Jeopardy Style


To register: CLICK HERE


*You are not required to be registered for The Quest to participate; this event is open to everyone.

Questions? Reach out to Holly Groeneveld, Special Events Coordinator at hgroeneveld@alz.to.


Category: Alzheimer Society Toronto,Family Caregivers,General Public,Active Living Program

Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.