Webinar: Dementia, Delirium, and Depression

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Learn about the 3 D's, prevalence of 3 D's, causes/risk factors, strategies to address each of the 3 D's and how you can support the person you are caring for when they are experiencing any of these conditions. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Define delirium, depression and dementia
  • Identify risks factors and causes
  • Understand the importance of accurate identification of the 3 D's
  • Identify strategies to address the 3 D's

For family caregivers related to a person with dementia. 

To REGISTER: Go to our ONLINE LEARNING site at www.alzeducate.ca

Step 1: Access your Options

Step 2: Create an Account

Step 3: Enrol in a webinar



Category: Alzheimer Society Toronto, Family Caregivers,General Public, Webinar,Learn at Home,

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.