Spousal Support Group
Providence Healthcare - Scotiabank Learning Centre RM B156

women talking

Location: Providence Healthcare

We currently have a wait list for this support group, Click here if you wish to be informed when a spot becomes available.

This ongoing support group will provide an opportunity for spousal care partners to come together to support each other through caregiving experience.

Participants will decide on the focus and direction of the group, and both practical and emotional needs will be explored.

Learning Objectives:

  • Opportunity to share insights and experiences with each other related to their personal caregiving experiences
  • Learn about how others are adjusting to their own changing relationship
  • Receive updated information about dementia and the services available at the Alzheimer Society of Toronto and in the community
Category: Family Caregivers,Support Group,

Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Providence Healthcare - Scotiabank Learning Centre RM B156
3276 St. Clair Ave. East
Scarborough, ON M1L 1W1

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.